Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hello from Sydney Australia!

I am settled into my hotel in the central business district.  I took a nap and a shower and now I am going to get a little more sleep.

I have tomorrow 'off' to go exploring.  Things here are expensive.  I bought a liter of Coke Zero and some chips and it was 11 dollars!  It is also very HOT here, it is 26 degrees Celsius or 78 Fahrenheit!

The flight here sounded long, fourteen and half hours, but actually it went by really quickly.  We took off, they fed us a nice dinner with real plates and silverware, then I watched the movie Frankenweenie! For my dog lover friends, this movie is funny and awesome.  I started watching The Perks of Being a Wallflower and fell asleep for 6 hours.  Then I got a glass of juice and a candy bar :) I stayed awake and re-watched the Wallflower movie.  I took little cat nap and then watched Hope Springs... slept through most of it... I got a nice breakfast and then found that I could find more movies, I ended up watching American Beauty and the Big Bang Theory... then we landed.

My cell phone issues are fixed, thank God for internet chat services for customer service.  Verizon screwed up the set up of my phone but Anna, the service person, fixed it all up!

Good night from Australia - ;)

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