Thursday, March 7, 2013

2-27-13 - Sleepy Day

I slept all day today and now I am home :)

2-26-13 - Coming Home

Today Is my fly home day.  The flight to Los Angeles was great.  They fed me lunch, lots of snacks and breakfast.  Qantas Airlines rocks for customer service.

When I boarded my flight in LA to Chicago, I was ready to sleep.  It’s a good thing because we circled Chicago for two hours waiting to land in the snow storm.  My flight to Buffalo left late and I got home around 11 PM EST.

Here is Sydney from the air!

2-25-13 - Manly and the Sea lIfe Sanctuary

My last day is going to be spent in Manly!  I caught the ferry in the Circular Quay Sydney.
  • Manly is situated seven miles north-east of Sydney on the lower Northern Beaches, Manly was named by Captain Arthur Phillip after his encounter with the confident and manly Aboriginal people of the Kay-ye-my clan who lived here. Surrounded on three sides by water, Manly is the perfect destination to enjoy both the harbour and the 18 ocean beaches, coves and inlets to swim, sail and surf. 
  • First stop – Manly Sea Life Sanctuary
    • Penguin Cove 
      • Manly is lucky enough to be a breeding habitat for Little Penguins, and is one of the last colonies on the mainland of Australia! 
      •  The local population of Little Penguins is around 60 breeding pairs, and they come ashore to nest every night between July and February. 
      • Manly's Little Penguin colony has been listed as an endangered population, and the local area has been declared a critical habitat for the population. 
      • Some of the penguins are named Armani, Elvis, Versace, and Mumble.
    • Underwater Sydney 
      • There are more species of fish found in Sydney Harbour than in the entire Mediterranean Sea! 
        • I saw: 
          • Octopus 
          • Seahorses
          • Lionfish 
          • Cuttlefish 
          • Port Jackson Sharks 
          • Bamboo Sharks 
          • Epaulette Sharks
    • In the rock pool I touched a shark egg and held a crab.

2-24-13 - The Taronga Zoo

Today it is off to the Taronga Zoo!  I caught the ferry in the Circular Quay Sydney. I had Kangaroo Steak for dinner!

·       The Circular Quay is the hub of Sydney Harbour, situated at a small inlet called Sydney Cove, the founding site for Sydney and Australia. The quay is a vibrant, bustling place with ferries leaving every few minutes to different parts of the harbour, including the Taronga Park Zoo. There are great views of the Harbour Bridge, a short distance away.
·       Taronga Zoo, situated on Bradley's Head is home to the Cammeraigal people. Early reports indicate that Bradley's head, the headland Taronga Zoo is situated on, was called ‘Booragy' and was neighboured by other clans.
·       “Our name comes from an Aboriginal language word Tarong, long thought to mean ‘sea view’, but it is also a local word for ‘shoulder’.  We have strong links to our history and both zoos have Aboriginal stories to tell.”
·       Divided into eight zoogeographic regions, the 21-hectare (52-acre) zoo is home to over 2,600 animals of 340 species.
·       The list of animals that I saw
    • Wild Australia
      • Australian Wetlands
        • Black-necked Stork
        • Little Pied Cormorant
        • Brolga
        • Australian Pelican
        • Royal Spoonbill
        • Pacific Black Duck
        • Chestnut Teal
        • Blue-billed Duck
        • Australian Wood Duck
        • Australian Shelduck
        • Plumed Whistling Duck
        • Water Whistling Duck
        • Black Swan
        • Cape Barren Goose
        • Magpie Goose
      • Australian Walkabout
        • Red Kangaroo
        • Tammar Wallaby
        • Swamp Wallaby
        • Agile Wallaby
        • Red-necked Wallaby
        • Emu
      • Koala Walkabout
        • Koala
        • Short-beaked Echidna
        • Quokka
      • Platypus House
        • Platypus
        • Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat
        • Water Rat
      • Australian Nightlife
        • Tasmanian Devil
        • Red-tailed Phascogale
        • Bilby
        • Long-nosed Bandicoot
        • Long-nosed Potoroo
        • Brush-tailed Bettong
        • Common Ringtail Possum
        • Squirrel Glider
        • Yellow-bellied Glider
        • Feathertail Glider
        • Greater Stick-nest Rat
        • Black-footed Tree-rat
        • Plains Rat
        • Spinifex Hopping-mouse
        • Ghost Bat
        • Tawny Frogmouth
        • New Caledonian Giant Gecko
      • Australian Rainforest Aviary
        • Rainbow Lorikeet
        • Musk Lorikeet
        • Eclectus Parrot
        • Australian King Parrot
        • Crimson Rosella
        • Double-eyed Fig-Parrot
        • Paradise Riflebird
        • Wonga Pigeon
        • Topknot Pigeon
        • Superb Fruit-Dove
        • Emerald Dove
        • Brown Cuckoo-Dove
        • White-headed Pigeon
        • Red-browed Finch
        • Blue-faced Parrot-Finch         
        • Buff-banded Rail
        • Black-breasted Buttonquail
        • Regent Bowerbird
        • Eastern Whipbird
        • Noisy Pitta
        • Black-faced Monarch
        • Pacific Koel
      • Australian Bush Birds
        • King Quail
        • Painted Buttonquail
        • Green Pygmy-Goose
        • White-browed Crake
        • Banded Lapwing
        • Pacific Golden Plover
        • Black-winged Stilt
        • Laughing Kookaburra
        • Sacred Kingfisher
        • Forest Kingfisher         
        • Rainbow Bee-eater
        • Pheasant Coucal
        • Glossy Black-Cockatoo
        • Musk Lorikeet
        • Little Lorikeet
        • Turquoise Parrot
        • Swift Parrot
        • Superb Fruit-Dove
        • Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove
        • Wonga Pigeon
        • Topknot Pigeon
        • Emerald Dove
        • Bar-shouldered Dove
        • Peaceful Dove
        • Brush Bronzewing
        • Crested Pigeon
        • Noisy Pitta
        • Eastern Spinebill
        • Noisy Friarbird
        • Blue-faced Honeyeater
        • New Holland Honeyeater
        • Striped Honeyeater
        • Crimson Chat
        • Variegated Fairy-wren
        • Eastern Yellow Robin
        • Hooded Robin
        • Grey Shrike-thrush
        • Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike
        • Silvereye
        • Clamorous Reed-Warbler
        • Eastern Whipbird
        • Diamond Firetail
        • Red-browed Finch
        • Plum-headed Finch
        • Double-barred Finch
        • Chestnut-breasted Mannikin
        • Satin Bowerbird
        • Regent Bowerbird
        • White-browed Woodswallow
      • Creatures of the Wollemi
        • Platypus
        • Short-beaked Echidna
        • Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby
        • Australasian Grebe
        • Hardhead
        • Masked Lapwing
        • Bush Stone-curlew
        • Little Pied Cormorant
        • Laughing Kookaburra
        • Sacred Kingfisher
        • Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
        • Gang-gang Cockatoo
        • Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
        • Eastern Rosella
        • Superb Parrot
        • Red-rumped Parrot
        • Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove
        • Wonga Pigeon
        • Brush Bronzewing
        • Dollarbird
        • Australasian Figbird
        • Noisy Pitta
        • Superb Lyrebird
        • Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike
        • White-browed Babbler
        • Satin Bowerbird
        • Regent Bowerbird
        • Striped Honeyeater
        • Regent Honeyeater
        • Diamond Firetail
        • Eastern Water Dragon
        • Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard
        • Cunningham's Skink
        • Eastern Water Skink
        • Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko
        • Eastern Long-necked Turtle
      • Backyard to Bush
        • Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat
        • Red-necked Wallaby
        • Spinifex Hopping-mouse
        • House mouse
        • Guinea pig
        • European rabbit
        • Sheep
        • Goat
        • Pig
        • Emu
        • Budgerigar
        • Cockatiel
        • King Quail
        • Chicken
        • Wild Turkey
        • Coastal Bearded Dragon
        • Lace Monitor
        • Shingleback
        • Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard
        • Eastern Snake-necked Turtle
        • Australian green tree frog
        • Dainty green tree frog
        • Green and golden bell frog
        • Splendid Rainbowfish
        • Pacific Blue-eye
      • Other Wild Australia
        • Red Kangaroo
        • Eastern Grey Kangaroo
        • Tammar Wallaby
        • Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby
        • Goodfellow's Tree-kangaroo
        • Emu
        • Malleefowl
        • Sacred Kingfisher
        • Southern Cassowary
        • Eclectus Parrot
        • Red Lory
        • Rainbow Lorikeet
        • Purple-crowned Lorikeet
        • Red-rumped Parrot
        • Victoria Crowned Pigeon
        • Diamond Dove
        • Common Bronzewing
        • Blue-faced Honeyeater
        • Regent Honeyeater
        • Striated Grasswren
      • Great Southern Oceans
        • Leopard Seal
        • California Sea Lion
        • Australian Sea Lion
        • Australian Fur Seal
        • New Zealand Fur Seal
        • Australian Pelican
        • Fiordland Penguin
        • Little Penguin
      • Wild Asia
        • Asian Elephant
        • Fishing Cat
        • Binturong
        • Oriental Small-clawed Otter